
once more from the top

I have undertaken a fair amount since last updating this space, the most significant part being a visit to Japan.  The photos from that trip may be seen here.

While riding the Shinkansen from Osaka to Tokyo I wrote an epic longhand rant on transportation issues vis-a-vis the way rail is treated in the US versus other parts of the world.  I'd like to post it before long but should maybe do a bit of actual research beforehand.  This is because I'd like to start taking something seriously besides the trifles of my visa obligations, a.k.a. teaching English to Korean six-year-olds, "like to" being the key component of that all-too-familiar pining.  I need to dedicate myself to something that I actually want and that will benefit my spirit.

In any case, Japan felt like home and coming back to Korea was brutal.  Since late June I've also celebrated a birthday, taken a train to an extremely rained-upon music and art festival in the Korean countryside, contemplated my next move, and listened to a lot of music.  

To be perfectly honest there isn't much more of note to report unless you'd prefer I give you a day-by-day accounting of every won that escapes my grasp (in brief: food, clothing, taxis).  I've got a few ideas for later posts so CHECK BACK IN TWO MORE MONTHS LOLOLOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.

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